Living it Like a Two Year Old

So I have had this post in my thoughts for awhile but just keep getting more and more examples so I have waited to post.
It came to me one day that wouldn't it be nice if we could live life a little more like a two year old?

Guzzle your gatorade until your whole mouth turns blue.
  If only we could all down our coffee and coke in this same manner. Although one could argue that downing a caffeinated beverage in this way produces some unhealthy results.

Run through the field/grass/sand and shout with glee.
  Anytime my daughter hits an open space she runs like she is a wild animal set free. If only when we left the office we would run through the parking lot to our cars with the same excitement and enthusiasm.

Ask "What??" loudly and clearly for all to hear and until you get an answer you want/understand.
  This is probably special to only my daughter but if only we could all just ask What out loud when the world doesn't make sense and continually ask until we get an answer we can accept.
   Boss: "You will not be getting a raise this half", You: "What??", Boss: "The money is just not in the budget", You: "What??", Boss: "There just isn't a way to do it", You: "What??", Boss: "sigh- ok maybe something small can be managed." You: "Tank tu"

Get overly excited about every single event, no matter how mundane.
   Again, may be just my daughter. But if only we could all conjure up the same enthusiasm for brushing teeth, eating lunch, and putting on our shoes.

Give a hug that crushes your glasses.
   The best feeling is probably your child running up to you when you enter a room and giving you a hug that is awkward, misplaced, crushes your glasses, but is just fantastic. If only whenever we came home our spouse would come sprinting across the foyer with open arms. Take a moment to envision this, I laughed out loud literally.

Jump in every puddle like it's the first... or the last.
  I don't know the draw but any form of water, no matter how small or how dirty draws a 2 year old to jump in it. Well most. If only we could all take a jump into the puddles of life without worrying about getting our Bandolinos dirty.


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