Barbados Life: Time to Say Good-bye

The island life is starting to get easier and I feel like I am becoming more in tune with the culture, feeling a little more 'Bajan' every day.
Driving is becoming second nature and I am able to over-take a stopped bus, honk to say thanks, and give way to cars who need to make a turn across traffic with a little more ease and not stress out. I am even backing in to parking spots a little faster. All the while I am able to keep an eye out for a random pedestrian, goat, chicken, or monkey and swerve, or allow for crossing, accordingly.

I notice now how rushed the tourists seem to be in the grocery store while the locals take their time. I am now somewhere in the middle as I Do have a list but I don't have anywhere I need to be.
I have learned to say good morning and good afternoon as I pass people when I am out and about. I have gotten to know the waitstaff by name at our favorite eateries.  They, in turn, have gotten to know us by name as well. 
I have found a regular volunteer gig at a local soup kitchen and my tennis is actually showing some improvement. I take regular swims in the pool and I even broke my fear of snorkeling.
I found a groomer for the dog that makes home visits.

We have been through a lockdown, volcanic ash, and a hurricane. I told someone that nothing makes you feel more like a local than having to clean up after a natural disaster.

So as the summer closes, it seems like a good time to say good-bye. 
Um what? you say?
Well our family life is always onto a new adventure, but this time, the star is mainly me and I will head back solo to Denver. Husband and the youngest will finish out the school year here and then join me next summer. But I will head back to start up a new job, start to hunt for a house and get us ready for our transition. As my daughter said, we are moving in phases, me and the dog are Phase 1 of that move. 
She would make a good release manager.

It feels bittersweet. There are parts of me that’s have really enjoyed being here and there are parts of me that are ready to start a new chapter.

So wish us luck and stay-tuned for ”Denver Life”!(or some other catchy title)


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