Moments of Meditation

I think every mom has a moment where she takes that deep breath, or lets out that deep sigh and thinks - well nothing. Sometimes there are moments where one is at a loss for words. I find these moments are sometimes the best to take a meditative moment. Mostly because if I don't there may be one less three year old on this wonderful planet of ours.
But I digress and I haven't really gotten into the meat of it all. Recently we have decided to put our house up for sale. I won't bore you with all the reasons why, but because of this decision, I was cleaning up before the real estate agent was coming to visit. And in order for me to be able to concentrate on cleaning I let my daughter paint at the kitchen table. This is one of the few things, aside from Sponge Bob that will engross her attention for more than 3 nanoseconds. It is also typically a fairly neat activity and we are at the lovely stage of painting in the lines.
But on this particular day, my daughter had a Pollock inspiration and somehow spattered bright blue paint in a ten mile radius around her chair.
I buy all washable craft items in our house. We have white couches. I have OCD. You don't need to be a mathematician to figure it out.
So in the moments before our real estate agent arrives I am on my hands and knees with a wipee, cleaning a blue dot every 3 inches or so. Now mind you these are dots that probably only I and another crazy Japanese lady would notice- but they were there and I felt the need to clean them.
And as I cleaned I let out that big Sigh. I then laughed a little thinking that this would be a perfect meditative moment. I bet those monks that polish rocks never had a three year old painter in their midst?
As you can probably imagine I have a lot on my mind with the possibility of selling a house, looking for a job, and my daughter getting crazy with summer cabin fever. And usually in times like this most of the world would keep going in such a state that they don't see the tiny blue dots of paint on the floor. Well- except my mother - she would notice them if there was a gigantic tornado outside and we were running for cover through the kitchen and she would mention as we sat in the pantry for cover 'did you notice you have blue paint on the floor out there?'
But maybe the crazy lady is on to something - in a very zen way that she doesn't even realize she has. Noticing these small things and taking a moment to mediate on them. She obsesses, but I would like to call it meditate. This is after all my blog.
So I cleaned every dot. I didn't count them. That would have been my husband ;-). I just cleaned them, one by one. And took a breath every few dots or so and admired our hand-scraped floors that some very hard-working men most likely spent hours on and didn't anticipate anyone to spill blue paint on.
Even though I don't sit every day, I find times like this to meditate. They are my moments of meditation. :-) Who knew that some crazy Japanese lady would inspire me to meditate would inspire something like this?


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