My Husband Made Dinner

I think many women struggle with the idea that their spouses may not be a full contributor to the household duties (some of you are sighing, I can hear it...) and others are blessed with a partner that contributes fully. Or even others who are reading this know they are the slacker in their duo or you are having to manage it single-handedly (is that a word?). I am lucky to have something in the middle.
But I think all of you will find some humor in this story especially if you are even the slightest OCD (obsessive compulsive diva) like myself.

Yesterday I had a phone interview scheduled for 6pm and my husband who has been a gigantic supporter of my job search offered to cook dinner so I could concentrate on getting ready for the interview. No easy feat mind you with a 3 1/2 year old 'helping' out. But I was relieved to not have to worry about getting dinner ready and prepare for the interview. As I ran through my questions and answers my husband whipped up some great veggie tacos while my daughter played in the pantry.

>> Rewind 3 hours<< While spending some time at a neighbors house, Naomi noticed that the dad was making ice cream. It's his new hobby and he has had us taste testing while he whips up some crazy flavors. She loves the chocolate with marshmallows and the ability to mix it all up. >>FF to my story<<

I come to the kitchen feeling prepared and ready to eat. My husband putting some final touches to the meal and finally I ask where was Naomi. "She is in the pantry playing" (door was shut). I'm thinking, 'not good' but I also realize My Husband Made Dinner. So I should keep my mouth shut.
I open the door to check on her and our little chef has taken one mushy banana, chocolate cheerios, gold fish, and cheeze-its and poured them into a bowl. "I'm mixing mommy".
Daddy says "oh, like ice cream?"
I'm thinking 'OMG there's banana peels stuck to the floor, chocolate cheerios also stuck to the floor (those things could be used to patch a Hummer when they are wet) and I'm going to have to clean all that up! Ants will come, ack!'
But instead I say "Thanks for making dinner". My look betrays me though and my husband knows that I have zero poker face.
"Did you want to say something?" He asks me.
"No no, but you are going to clean that up right?" I couldn't help it.
"Yes of course" good husband.

And he did. On top of making dinner and cleaning up and taking care of her. I have a hard time many times to just let her be a kid, make a mess and be crazy. I am so grateful that I have a husband that will let her do that but also ensure that I don't lose my mind.
I think part of zen practice is finding the right balance and I have been fortunate enough to also find a partner who helps me keep that balance.
Although I may still scrub the floor for good measure while he's away today ;-P


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