
Showing posts from July, 2011

First ER Visit

I have to start this post with an aside- to give you some perspective. Many years ago, I was with my good friends and their first son who was about 2. We were playing in the living room when their son sat up on the arm of their leather couch and proceeded to slip off and hit the floor head first. I have never been so mortified or see something happen in such slow motion and feel so helpless in my life. He was ok, but the experience scarred me and I have never let Naomi anywhere near the arm of any couch. Fast forward to July 30th, 6pm. It seems our time had come to have a similar incident. Our family decided to end our Florida vacation at a local Japanese Hibachi Restaurant and as we sat and waited to be seated, Naomi kneeling on a bench proceeded to do the same topple over to hit the ground head first. Now, watching someone else's child is pretty mortifying. To watch someone else's child you care about deeply is even  more mortifying. All of this is compounded by the way

The Future Evel Knievel

So my child has no fear. None. Zilch. Zero. I am certain the empty role that Evel Knievel left behind upon his passing (rip) will soon be filled by my young daredevil daughter. Much to my dismay. A little insight to my personality. I am NOT the daredevil. I am about as far from daredevil as you can get. I can barely Watch daredevils on TV and certainly have a supreme difficult time in handling my daughter's risk taking. This is my husband's role and I like this clear, safe division. However- I recognize that this is a unique trait in my daughter and that a good mom should allow her the freedom and excitement to pursue her daredevil activities. It scares the crap out of me and I have noticed that she is pushing even my limits. And she is only 2. One case example- the beach. She is barely 2 feet tall at 2 and she is marching into the ocean heading into waves larger than her stating "Come On, mommy". "Come on" my *%@.  By the way, a small aside on this- the be

Living it Like a Two Year Old

So I have had this post in my thoughts for awhile but just keep getting more and more examples so I have waited to post. It came to me one day that wouldn't it be nice if we could live life a little more like a two year old? Guzzle your gatorade until your whole mouth turns blue.   If only we could all down our coffee and coke in this same manner. Although one could argue that downing a caffeinated beverage in this way produces some unhealthy results. Run through the field/grass/sand and shout with glee.   Anytime my daughter hits an open space she runs like she is a wild animal set free. If only when we left the office we would run through the parking lot to our cars with the same excitement and enthusiasm. Ask "What??" loudly and clearly for all to hear and until you get an answer you want/understand.   This is probably special to only my daughter but if only we could all just ask What out loud when the world doesn't make sense and continually ask until we

Speaking in Tongues

I am pretty sure my daughter is speaking in tongues these days since the majority of the time I do not understand what she is saying.  For all those parents who have been through this stage, it's a funny time and for those who have never been there, just imagine being in a foreign country where the other person tries to use English but they only know about 4 words and use their own language in between. There will be intelligible words dispersed in there so I want to believe she is attempting to formulate a sentence. "dubba dubba dubba car dubba dubba cow". And then there are these brief moments where she spits out a complete sentence  "I didn't mean to break it mommy" and we all dance in happy amazement. However, at her age apparently she should be able to speak some thousands of words and be able to recite short excerpts of Shakespeare. Thus, just like all moms who hope her child is normal/borderline prodigy I begin to be concerned. Now I am sure at the