
Showing posts from August, 2021

Barbados Life: Time to Say Good-bye

The island life is starting to get easier and I feel like I am becoming more in tune with the culture, feeling a little more 'Bajan' every day. Driving is becoming second nature and I am able to over-take a stopped bus, honk to say thanks, and give way to cars who need to make a turn across traffic with a little more ease and not stress out. I am even backing in to parking spots a little faster. All the while I am able to keep an eye out for a random pedestrian, goat, chicken, or monkey and swerve, or allow for crossing, accordingly. I notice now how rushed the tourists seem to be in the grocery store while the locals take their time. I am now somewhere in the middle as I Do have a list but I don't have anywhere I need to be. I have learned to say good morning and good afternoon as I pass people when I am out and about. I have gotten to know the waitstaff by name at our favorite eateries.  They, in turn, have gotten to know us by name as well.  I have found a regular volunt