Teaching Compassion
I posted some time back about how does one teach compassion. I wound up commenting how fortunate I was that my daughter has compassion already built in it seems. With the recent events of the world, the topic has come up once again. I watch the news and pictures of these young people now so angry with the world. At one time, naive to the world and the flaws it clearly has and just enjoying life. I also have now two teenagers in the house. And although they have spent the past year and a half going through changes, I am bracing myself for more to come as they encounter a new world of emotions, clicks (I think they call them squads now), and crushes. Their compassion is at that precarious point where it will become jaded with the reality of the world. People are not honest. Some of the closest people to you will be mean. School is becoming harder and seemingly unfair. Everyone starts to judge you more by how you look and what you wear rather than what you say or what you do. My husb...