
Showing posts from May, 2015

Mother's Day

So I meant to post something on Mother's Day. Something super cool and profound about being a mom in this crazy world while still trying to provide the best parenting I can to my daughters. So yeah. I did some laundry instead. We did mother's day breakfast with presents and then I spent the day in my regular routine. Nothing profound. Nothing actually cool.  I was on a business trip last week and these are always a glimpse into life without children, home, spouse obligations and I think some people embrace it and take advantage of the 'freedom' that it introduces.  However, I found that this proposed freedom wound up being an apparition if you will, for me. I was at a conference and so these ideally can be as intense or as relaxed as you want them to be. You make your own schedule. No one is checking how many sessions you go to. (well except those volunteers at the door with the badge readers). It seems like the perfect setting to travel to a land far far away and to ju