
Showing posts from March, 2015

In the Moment

Thursdays is Piano Day. Wednesdays is Dance Day and Mondays are Zazen Day. These labels don't mean much for everyone else but they are how I manage the schedule and get things organized around those days. On Piano Day there is a certain time I need to leave the office to get my daughter in time to drive to piano. On the days that my step-daughters are with us, that schedule shifts a bit and there is another schedule. All happening in perfect motion when I leave work. But this past Thursday my schedule was compromised. It turned into a downward spiral of a loss of time management that would make Franklin Covey ashamed. I had to share my story as I am sure so many others have felt the pain of losing control of the schedule that you so meticulously laid out. I should have seen the signs when I got a meeting request to be at another site. My company has several locations in the DC Metro area but I have only been to two. So my time estimation skills outside those two are really at