In the Moment
Thursdays is Piano Day. Wednesdays is Dance Day and Mondays are Zazen Day. These labels don't mean much for everyone else but they are how I manage the schedule and get things organized around those days. On Piano Day there is a certain time I need to leave the office to get my daughter in time to drive to piano. On the days that my step-daughters are with us, that schedule shifts a bit and there is another schedule. All happening in perfect motion when I leave work. But this past Thursday my schedule was compromised. It turned into a downward spiral of a loss of time management that would make Franklin Covey ashamed. I had to share my story as I am sure so many others have felt the pain of losing control of the schedule that you so meticulously laid out. I should have seen the signs when I got a meeting request to be at another site. My company has several locations in the DC Metro area but I have only been to two. So my time estimation skills outside those two are really at...