
Showing posts from February, 2015


So the other day, I sat down on my bedroom floor and cried. And not just the weary boo-hoo but this full out sob that is hard to control that you do in random places like the closet floor, laundry room, grocery store. Okay I haven't done the last one- but people have. I had that all out break-down kind of cry. So before you start thinking either "Oh my gosh, Angela what is happening, are you okay???" or "Oh my gosh, Angie- Suck It Up- Who has time to cry???" I can tell you that my sob-fest was triggered by two things. One: a post by an author that I just adore, Karen Maezen Miller: "I will never regret the things I didn't write, places I didn't go, goals I didn't set or dreams I didn't daydream. I regret the pain I cause every day by wishing I was someone else with something more living somewhere better." Two: a post by my husband about several people who were hearing impaired getting to test a revolutionary device that allowed