
Showing posts from January, 2015

Yin yang

Trying to be a Zen mom is constantly a balance. It's a balance of my expectations of my kids and what they really wind up doing. It is a balance of my wants versus what my kids want. It is a balance of my work and my kids. It is a balance of being sane and being insane. It is a balance of being the crazy fun club girl my husband met so long ago, and the mother that goes to bed at 9pm that my husband knows today. Which brings me to that ultimate balance, being a mom and being a wife. I try to balance this world more than anyone knows and I realize I often fail. Your partner is often the one to suffer after Job, Children, Personal Interests. Not sure why that is the order by the way. Kids should be first but jobs pay bills and so that is the reality I think. I know lots of couples that have a date night, which I think is awesome. But there is a deeper balance that comes from just being friends with your spouse. My husband is a direct yang to my yin. He balances me not only