
Showing posts from November, 2014

Falling Gracefully

On one of my first visits to a dojo in Denton, Texas I watched my sensei fall (take ukemi). And I instantly thought "I want to fall like That". He fell like the leaves do here in Virginia. Kind of floating and circular and yet in complete control.  And quiet.  I mean like seriously - - ninja-quiet. For the record, sensei was/is not a small slight of a man. I think he is over 6ft and does that cross-fit crazy stuff so I'm sure he's not a feather.  I speculated that maybe it was the hakama. Adversely, I fall like a brick. I am almost a foot shorter, surely weigh much less and I sound like someone slapping a large wet towel against the mat. I am not ninja-quiet. Although I would still argue I am a ninja. I thought, and still believe, that someday I will fall like sensei and I have spent many sessions trying to learn to fall gracefully. Most recently my new sensei shared with me a technique that will ensure I can get up quickly after a fall. Again with