Zen mom - Step Mom
I think mothering is pretty challenging. Every day I question something I have done and wonder 'was that the best?' This feeling of inadequacy is pretty normal from what I have read, as well as the constant need to overcome it, but I have found this summer that this feeling is compounded as a step-mom. Most of a woman's life is surrounded by images and messages surrounding the nuclear family of Man/Woman/Child. I have some issues with this but that's for another post and probably another blog all together, but to the point, I was conditioned around a certain idea of what a family is made of and the role I play in that. Step-mom was not in that movie/book. It is unique. You are not mom, but you need to behave like one. You get none of the love, none of the respect, nor none of the benefits of a mom but you do have all the burden of worry, concern, and care. I call it a 'burden' not in a negative way but just as it is, it must be done. I think everyone grows t...