
Showing posts from August, 2012

Moments of Meditation

I think every mom has a moment where she takes that deep breath, or lets out that deep sigh and thinks - well nothing. Sometimes there are moments where one is at a loss for words. I find these moments are sometimes the best to take a meditative moment. Mostly because if I don't there may be one less three year old on this wonderful planet of ours. But I digress and I haven't really gotten into the meat of it all. Recently we have decided to put our house up for sale. I won't bore you with all the reasons why, but because of this decision, I was cleaning up before the real estate agent was coming to visit. And in order for me to be able to concentrate on cleaning I let my daughter paint at the kitchen table. This is one of the few things, aside from Sponge Bob that will engross her attention for more than 3 nanoseconds. It is also typically a fairly neat activity and we are at the lovely stage of painting in the lines. But on this particular day, my daughter had a Pollock