
Showing posts from September, 2011

Can You Teach Compassion?

Compassion is an interesting topic in our house. We constantly discuss- as parents can we teach our children compassion? What if our kids do not naturally have this characteristic, how would you foster or develop it? For my two year old, going on three, I think it is safe to say that she has this naturally. I have been told she is usually the one who comforts the crying child (ironic since She is the one crying half the time) or helping out the lost kid in class. Maybe she feels for them, almost a two year old empathy. She shows it elsewhere too though, if a bug is hurt she says "oh no!" and as she watches the animal in trouble on Wonder Pets she never fails to tell you the ailment with sure panic in her voice 'oh no, bunny is stuck!' I see these as signs of what I hope is compassion. Most of the time she is just crazy Naomi having a fit because she can't have ding dongs for dinner. But there are moments like the ones above and last night she shows some new leve