Moving to Barbados: Find a Place to Live
I failed to mention in my last blog post that selling the house was a spawned task from my original list- Task 2: Find a Place to Live. We felt we couldn't look at a new place until we started to sell the current place. In hind sight not sure why those things couldn't have run in parallel but I am sequence kind of gal so here we are. So with selling the house, we could fully initiate Find a Place to Live. This would seem pretty straight forward right? Search up on AirBnB and done. We started to find however, our requirements for a home were narrowing our options, one being we had a fluid house of 5 people so 4 bedrooms would need to be our minimum. Apparently there are not a lot of 4 bedroom homes on the island that are not a billion dollars. We also would like a number of bathrooms to accommodate this said 5 people so a minimum of 4 bathrooms. (we have three girls in that mix so cast all the judgement you want on us sharing bathrooms- you will understand if you have girls) And...