
Showing posts from December, 2012

Super Mom

I'm not sure how it happens but I am now convinced that when you have a child you take on super powers. I read an article about it one time and thought it silly but now I am beginning to believe that I may have some unusual super powers that I never had pre-mom. I am also convinced that these super powers become stronger with each child you have. A gross tale of these powers in action: <warning>- kind of yucky story and not for the weak stomach. </warning>. My daughter recently came down with a 24-hour stomach virus. It was the vomiting/diarrhea kind. (btw being able to spell diarrhea along with other weird child ailments I think is another super power...) In the middle of the night she woke up crying saying she was choking. As I held her and tried to decipher if she was really choking or just had a dry throat she threw up on me. Now all my friends without kids just went 'ew'. My friends with kids thought 'oh no'. Both were right. This is super power n